Eid al Fitr – Cape Town

July 24, 2015

It has taken me the longest time to write this post and I am finally doing it to the sound of the rain beating down mercilessly on a frigid winter’s night in Cape Town.

When I decided a few months ago to spend the last week of Ramadhan and the week following Eid al Fitr in Cape Town with my family, it seemed like a brilliant idea.

My mother, may Allah have mercy on her soul and grant her the highest paradise, had come to spend part of Ramadhan and Eid with me in Dubai for the past three years before her death. I couldn’t bear to face the first Eid without her alone, and looked forward to being amongst family and friends this time.

I am not quite sure what I expected, except that my reality did not quite measure up. I found myself unwilling and unable to be in her home without her on our most auspicious of festivals. So we took ourselves off for a day of quiet relaxation and leisurely walks.

We started the day with breakfast at the Taj Hotel in the Cape Town city centre. It was my first visit but I was impressed with the atmosphere of warm luxury and impeccable service in Mint, the restaurant where breakfast is served.

Eid al Fitr breakfast
Eid al Fitr breakfast

After breakfast we took a leisurely stroll down a nearly deserted St. George’s Mall, taking photographs of the market stalls along the way.

St. George's Mall
St. George’s Mall on a cold clear Winter’s day

Our next stop was the V&A Waterfront, where we continued our leisurely walks. We stopped for hot beverages along the way and had a beautiful view of the working harbour as we sipped on our teas and nibbled on our scones and cheesecake.

Tea break
Tea break with a view

While the Golden Oldies took a break to people watch on a bench under the Ferris wheel, I decided to walk across to the Watch Tower on the far side of the waterfront. Nothing much has changed over the years aside from the plethora of charter companies offering boat rides and cruises around Table Bay.

The fresh breeze and sea air made for an invigorating walk and I loved seeing Table Mountain in all it’s glory from every possible angle. I don’t believe I have ever seen the sky as blue as it was on that day, SubhanAllah.

V&A Waterfront
V&A Waterfront

Later in the afternoon we visited my brother’s in laws where I finally got to see my handsome nephews, may Allah bless them all. My sister in law had cooked the most amazing lamb biryani, crayfish curry and a variety of other dishes but we had been unable to make it in time for lunch due to our late breakfast. They insisted on serving us an early supper instead.

It may not have been the traditional Eid al Fitr, and I imagined my late father (may Allah have mercy on his soul and grant him the highest paradise) would have had quite the hissy fit if we had tried spending any part of Eid at the Waterfront during his lifetime.

Alhamdulillah I spent a lovely day with my loved ones. Perhaps next Eid will be easier, In shaa Allah.


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  1. It marks the end of Ramadan, which is a month of fasting and prayer. My friend Abu Hujaifa is lived there. He told that in cape town, many muslims attend communal prayers, listen to a khutba, give zakat- al -fitre (charity on the form of food) during Eid-ul-fitre.

    1. Your friend speaks the truth. Communal prayers are prevalent especially for the Tarawih or optional night prayers during Ramadhan.

  2. Sounds like a very hard time for you, but luckily you had ones you love around you. I do hope that the next Eid will be easier for you.

    1. Razena Author says:

      Thank you for your kind words.

      I honestly did not expect it to be as hard as it was, but spending the time with loved ones who shared the same loss helped, alhamdulillah.

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